Sunday, November 9, 2014

Just The Beginning (Long Way To Go)

Face to Face - "Walk The Walk"

Training got serious this week...

Now, I am not talking serious in terms of miles & time. It gets serious in terms that I need to get all prescribed workouts completed regardless how I am feeling. For the next 12-13 weeks, my training will be focused entirely on base building and working out at my prescribed MAF (130-40 BPM). In case you are wondering..... I did get all my workouts done!

As I train at MAF, I see how this program will help me as I train for an Ironman distance race. I finish every workout with the feeling that with proper nutrition could go on for hours more. I also see how this training will keep me physically & mentally strong as I build miles & hours over the next 3 months. I know I am getting the quality workouts I need at this point but I don't feel worn out or beat up from the hours of training. This is a very big plus at my age!

Training Totals Week 1:
Bike - 4 rides/ 127 miles/ 5.90 hours/ 21.5 mph
Run - 3 runs/ 22 miles/ 3.03 hours/ 8:15 per mile
Swim - 3 swims/ 2.75 miles/ 1.35 hours
Total - 10 workouts/ 151.75 miles/ 10.28 hours
(2 Suspension Training sessions)

This week's plan is basically the mirror image of this week with no increases planned. With 26 weeks to go (Ironman Texas), there is no true need to jump volume too soon. Knowing that base training does not lend itself to exciting blogging, I need a way to make this blog readable each week. I figured the easiest way was to return to my commentary on the state of athletics from time to time. And like clockwork, the world of athletics gives me a topic.....Doping!!

Now I know I have blogged about doping in sports before but I think this may have reached an all time low (in my opinion). This is even lower than that age-grouper who dopes in multi-sports. I was looking at when I came across this article:

Yes you read that right!!! Badminton... Are you serious?? You need to dope to be a good at a sport (I use that term loosely) that is played in backyards throughout the summer? A sport/game that is only brought to light every four years during the summer Olympics. Hell. why is it even an Olympic sport? Then again, why is table tennis & synchronized swimming in the Olympics? (Topic for another day) I am sure there are other sports that you would add to this list of sports that are not Olympic worthy. But doping in badminton? How strenuous can badminton be? Think about it......people seem to play fine even when drinking at a barbecue!


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