Sunday, December 21, 2014

Drugs Are Bad.....Mkay!

"Oh my broken battered body,
 In the days when I was younger,
 Used to fix itself quick sharp
 After every slip and stumble.
 But these days I'm collecting scars that don't seem to fade,
 Cuts and bruises that won't go away."
Losing Days - Frank Turner

Maybe there is hope for all of the hard working, clean competing athletes out there! 

Given the recent news of athletes failing drug test for Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs), some of these changes are long overdo.  Here are a few examples of the recent news: 

OK... I think you get the point. 

But like many clean athletes, I am tired of these stories! I am tired of being skeptical of any great performances in sports. I am tired of top athletes claiming to be clean then testing positive for PED's. I am tired of convicted dopers coming back after suspensions to only test positive again. I am tired of the conversations with my athletes about which athletes we believe are clean and who are not. I am tired of governing bodies overlooking or covering up positive drug test of the stars! I am tired of player unions fighting drug testing for HGH, because they know most of the league is on it! I am tired of all the excuses athletes give when they test positive instead of taking responsibility and just admitting they cheated! I am tired of athletes who try to explain why the decided to take a PED even though they knew it was banned. I don't care why....plain & simple, you cheated!!!!

Now some the changes WADA is implementing in this new code for 2015 may help. I think the 4 year suspension on the 1st offense is better. I don't think we will ever get to the point of one and done but 4 years may seem like a lifetime to some of these athletes. I like the rule of extending statute of limitations and storage of samples from 8 to ten years! As better test are developed by testing agencies, we can now go back and nail the dopers. I think the prohibited association rule will rid sports of a good amount of cheats as they won't be able to be coaches, agents, nutritionist or trainers. I know we are responsible for making the right decision on PED's but the influence of people in these roles can cloud a person's judgement. 

Will all these changes rid sports of PED's or stop athletes from trying to cheat? Unfortunately, we all know this answer, NO! Some people will always believe they can beat the system. There always be a "so called" new undetectable drug. There will always be a coach or athlete blinded by glory and money. But if it can deter a few athletes from not using PED's, it is start. And it can't hurt to have dopers away from sports a bit longer than current suspensions.

Thank you WADA for taking a big step in the right direction. Drugs are bad!

Evident by my training, No Doping here!

Base training continues to go well and the volume is building. With no traveling for meets or holiday, I was able to complete all scheduled workouts Now this will only last a week as travel for the holidays and the closing of our pool are hitting this week. And after 7 solid weeks of training, being at a slightly lower volume this week isn't the worst thing in the world.

Here are my training totals thus far:

Seven Weeks Of Base Training @ MAF:
Bike - 28 rides/ 935 miles/ 43.66 hours/ 21.4 mph
Run - 22 runs/ 166.25 miles/ 22.74 hours/ 8:12 per mile
Swim - 14 swims/ 12.50 miles/ 5.75 hours
Total - 64 workouts/ 1113.75 miles/ 72.15 hours
(8 Suspension Training sessions)
Per Week - 9.14 workouts/ 159.11 miles/ 10.31 hours
Oh yeah....before I forget, WEAR SUNSCREEN!#SkinCancerSucks


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