"They said, "There's too much caffeine in your bloodstream"
A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours
The Smiths
I know I have commented on doping often in my blog but this one was just to good to pass up!
This time, it is not the act of doping as much as the stupid excuses
athletes keep giving to justify their using of a banned substances. It is high time that athletes just suck it up and admit they were stupid and they thought they could circumvent the system. Take the case in the link above (not singling this person out as it is just the latest case - making it too easy), as the athlete uses a couple of excuses that athletes have used way too many times by far too many athletes who have been caught.
Excuse #1 - "It was to treat a medical condition." Think we have heard that one before!! Maybe this is true in this case, I don't know. But most of the time it is not true, unless getting your ass kicked by other professional athletes is a new medical condition not in the books. Checking my exercise physiology books now to see if I missed "not-as-fast-as-you-itis" in my education!
Excuse #2 (Part 1) - "I did not let my doctor know I would be subject to drug testing." Really?!?!? Is that because your doctor would know that testosterone is a banned substance in your sport and would have not prescribed it for you?
Excuse #2 (Part 2) - "I did not check in with Ironman." Why not? It is possible that you could have got a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE). They do give those out if you need to be prescribed a drug that is on the banned list. I am not sure exactly how to get a TUE but I would venture a guess that the dosage for a TUE will be within certain limits set by the governing body. Maybe your prescription was over the limit and you knew it would be.
I know WADA has passed a new code for 2015 with harsher penalties and tougher rules but I think one new rule should be added to the code........(She is lucky her punishment came down prior to Jan 1 or she could be looking at 4 years.)
Here is my addendum to the code..... I believe 1 year should be added to an athlete's suspension for each stupid excuse the athlete attempts to use instead of just accepting they cheated. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the fact that the athlete, in the above case, has a Master of Science in the Exercise Science field makes it even more annoying and but yet somewhat humorous. I know it will never happen but maybe a lifetime ban on first offense will scare a few of these athletes!
This past week of raining was the first normal week in a month. I did not have to deal with any pool closings, holiday travel or a surgery. This week start a new two week phase where my long run jumps to 1:45-50 and my long ride jumps to 2:45-50. All working out stays at MAF as I am still in base training. And of course, staying clean!!! (Hell, my results prove that....Ha Ha!!)
Ten Weeks Of Base Training @ MAF:
Bike - 41 rides/ 1358 miles/ 63.56 hours/ 21.36 mph
Run - 33 runs/ 248.5 miles/ 33.92 hours/ 8:11 per mile
Swim - 18 swims/ 17 miles/ 7.91 hours
Total - 92 workouts/ 1623.5 miles/ 105.39 hours
(11 Suspension Training sessions)
Per Week - 9.2 workouts/ 162.35 miles/ 10.53 hours![]() |
Do I Need A TUE For This??? |
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