Sunday, September 14, 2014

My Experiment Begins (Somewhat)

I am still holding out hope to race again this year but it is not looking good for finding a race that falls on an off weekend for my teams. 

In the meantime, I have begun a bit of a transition into Ironman training for 2015 (yes, I said it 2015!). My original plan is still intact and I am cutting volume for the month of September & adding a few speed workouts to maintain sharpness if I should find a race. I figure there is plenty of hay in the barn that the reduced volume and occasional workout will keep me race ready! In all reality, my window for finding a race might only be 3-4 weeks max. 

Training Totals - Last 14 Weeks
Bike - 61 rides/ 2221 miles/ 107.73 hours/ 20.6 mph
Run - 48 runs/ 332.5 miles/  41.74 hours/ 7:32 per mile
Swim - 39 swims/ 34 miles/ 17.11 hours
Totals - 148 workouts/ 2587.5 miles/ 166.58 hours
Per Week - 10.57 workouts/ 184.8 miles/ 11.90 hours

1st Week Of Lower Volume (Practicing MAF)
Bike - 4 bikes/ 125 miles/ 6.33 hours/ 19.8 mph
Run - 4 runs/ 22 miles/ 2.94 hours/ 8:00 per mile
Swim - 2 swims/ 1.75 miles/ .85 hours
Total - 10 workouts/ 147.75 miles/ 10.12 hours
(reduction of about 20% compared to previous 13 weeks)

As I move forward for 2015, I have already decided that I will train for the race season using the MAF (Maximum Aerobic Function) Training. I have used this method which was made famous by previous triathlon greats, Mark Allen and Mike Pigg, under the tutelage of Phil Maffetone.  I used this method loosely when I qualified for Hawaii back '97. I feel after recent research, my own training experiences and my coaching experiences, I have a better grasp of the concept and can use it to my advantage in 2015. Over the past two weeks, I have been getting used to training at MAF, which can be tough when tackling hills. In addition, I have also added 2 sessions of suspension training into my schedule to build my strength. In just 3 weeks of suspension training, I have already notice a change in my strength and core stability.

I have had many discussions recently regarding MAF and how people were thinking of using it and others who said they had not had success with it. In my recent readings on MAF, I can see why it may confusing but I also see why it can be successful when done properly. As I move through this experiment I will keep you informed in pretty good detail of my successes and failures. I am also open to any questions you may have about my training, MAF or how to better implement MAF. Tentatively, official training for 2015 will begin November 3rd. 
Possible  Ironman Races
May 16 - Ironman Texas- most ideal as it gives me 4 months to get ready for Kona
August 2 - Ironman Boulder- 2nd favorite choice
Of course where would I be without the help of Wattie Ink and my teammates who me motivated with their performances and encouragement! Also, thanks to a great list of sponsors Wattie Ink was able to secure for the team - Power Bar, Speedfil, ISM Saddles, Herbalife, Blue Seventy, Rudy Project, ! Your support goes a long way in helping me achieve my results!
Rock the W!

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