Monday, June 2, 2014

Guess Who's Back?!?!?!?! (Race Week)


Guess who's back?!?!?!?

And no it is not Marshall Mathers and I am sure you have not all been lost without me......

Also not sure if this good for all but I am back and ready to keep everything real for all multi-sport athletes! (In a humorous non-offensive manner...of course)

Why the break from blogging, you might ask????

Well, I'll answer that for you......


I really have no good reason for the hiatus for the past 4 months. It is not like I have not had things to write about since my last post (Feb 2):

  • my preparations for Eagleman (and they have been going great!) but you would probably find that boring to read week in, week out
  • getting hooked up with Wattie Ink Elite Team (a lot of cool teammates, great sponsors - links to the right of post!!! Getting all links posted soon)
  • silly things that multi-sport athletes do, which includes myself as I am among the guilty when I point out some of these things (I am not immune to my own wrath!)
  • dopers and how much they piss me off! (this is always my go to soapbox topic)
  • the shadiness of the USATF and how it is ruining track & field in America! (becoming my new soapbox topic)
  • the cross-country/track &field teams I coach here at Susquehanna University
  • beer, ice cream, coffee, bad eating habits, (my favorites!!)
  • disproved fads like "gluten-free" and five fingered shoes (oh yeah, in case wondering, I was right about these from the beginning! but NOOO!!! nobody ever listens to me!!!!!)
  • another year of racing raising money for Melanoma Research (link to my homepage to the right of post!) 
I guess, now that I am back, I will have to return to all of these at a time of course! That would be the longest post ever if I attempted to hit all these now. A post long enough that I am sure I would have full blown carpal tunnel syndrome when done typing it.

I guess for now I will just say how pumped I am for Ironman Eagleman 70.3 this coming Sunday. Even though I have trained a little less than the past few years (trust  me, not undertrained), I feel as if I am in my best racing shape since I returned to triathlons 3 years ago. I realized as I get older, I truly needed to focus more on the quality than the quantity! This is another topic I could go on for days as I am still amazed by the amount of training some people post online and the results they get when they race (they don't match). I guess this is too much of the coach in meet coming out as I always stress the quality versus quantity to my own athletes.

Of course, I go into this Sunday with big goals...Kona Qualifier! Why else would I choose this race? Go big or go home....Right? But I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who is there to race and race it all out, who is not there for the same reason so I will have my work cut out for me. Obviously, to get the Kona Slot or even a 70.3 WC slot (which I will take if Kona doesn't happen), I am aiming for a podium finish!

Most importantly, I am excited to finally opening up my 2014 race season! This will be my first race in my new age group as I age up to the 45-49 age group. Yes I know, I am getting old! But at least now I am the young guy in the group! Following teammates and friends on Facebook & Twitter has made me very anxious to get out there and race. At times, I think people were beginning to believe I just trained so I can eat the crap I always do! I am also looking forward to wearing the cool kit below and meeting some of my teammates at the race!

Kona or Bust! (At least I will give it my all to get there!)

Rock the W!

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