Monday, July 8, 2013

Post Race Beer & Report

Tonight's post is brought to you by Saranac Red IPA 
( I know a shameless plug but who cares every does it on Twitter all the time!!!)

Race Site:

It may have been a low key local race but it was fun to get the competitive juices going again. Technically speaking, it is the 2nd race of my season but the 1st race I finished (broken spokes @ Eagleman). Today, I competed at the Happy Valley Sprint Triathlon which included a 750 meter (pool) swim, 12.25 mile bike and 5KM run. The heat and humidity that has pretty much embraced the Mid-Atlantic states for the past 7-8 days was very evident this morning. In regard to weather, I am very happy it was a sprint triathlon. The unfortunate part was my wave in the pool did not start until 8:45AM so we were not beating a lot of the heat and that includes the pool.

Swim Time - 12:51 (13:16 counting run out of pool facility to timing mat leading into T1)
I have done pool swims as triathlons before but this was a first as they had 4 swimmers per lane swimming circles. My guess is this could work well if the organizers group everyone by time and most importantly, triathletes needed to seed themselves properly. Well I had seeded myself at 13:00 which I know was underestimating my abilities but when the guy at the end of the pool with me says he is hoping to go 15:00, I instantly thought.....Oh boy! I also started to think, I hope the guys at the other end are not as bad also. Well I quickly found out.....they were. Let's just say that after 2 laps I had to eliminate the flip turn as it became just chaos in the lane. In 750 meters, I lapped the guy who started on my end of the pool twice and lapped the guys from the other end once and was starting to get close to lapping them again. Twice during the swim I was almost forced to a complete stop so I could let a swimmer go by on the other side of lane so I could pass a swimmer....FUN! And let's just say....82 degree water on a hot humid day is not refreshing.

T1 - Slow

Bike - 12.25 miles/ 32:37/ 22.6 mph/ 500 feet of climbing
After my slow transition, it felt so good to get the new time trial bike out on the course. Withing a couple miles, I quickly came to the realization that this course was hillier than the profile provided online. Either way, it is the same for everyone so I was pleased with my ride. I rode the big ring for the first part of the out and back course and hand a slight tail wind. Knowing that we would have a head wind for a good portion of the return and some hills, I geared down to the small chain ring and felt very strong and smooth on the return. Also knowing that it was very hot and humid, I figured I better save some strength for the legs as the run course was rolling also. Overall I was pleased with the 7th fastest bike split.

T2 - Slow but better

Run - 3.1 miles/ 20:48/ 6:43 per mile
After a decent transition and knowing the weather, my focus was on running  a steady run and staying smooth throughout. I did not look or even the any of the mile splits. I might have been able to push it harder on the run but with the weather like it was, it doesn't take much to put you in a world of hurt if you overdo it. It may have been the first triathlon that I saw people reduced to walking because of the weather. It may not have been my fastest 5K off the bike but it was one of my smartest.

Total - 1:08:30/ 10th overall/ 3rd Age Group

Hoping to find a race for this Saturday before some training in the Poconos for a few days! Back to work tomorrow and training hard!!  But till then........

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