Monday, February 21, 2011


As training keeps rolling along incredibly well, I am so happy that this recovery week falls on the week of our indoor track & field championships. This week will be crazy getting ready for the championships as we host the event every year. It is a very small meet of 6 schools but for some reason, despite hosting every year since we opened our indoor facility and hosting 4 other meets each year, people on campus seem to over think this one. And we all know when that happens, it makes my life so much more fun (insert sarcasm font there).

The past 2-3 weeks have been crazy with hosting 3 meets and this past weekend we had 16 schools compete in our facility. It was a great day for the team as they continue to progress nicely towards the championships. I have seen improvement each week from all disciplines and most importantly have witnessed a closeness developing between all the athletes that will come through quite loudly this Saturday at the championships! GO CRUSADERS!!!!!

Training on the bike could not be any better at this point of training. I just finished Week 3 of Base 2 and this upcoming week is a down week as Base 2 ends. Now, with the craziness of the past 3 weeks, the weight training has not been what it should have been but this week should allow me to get back on track with that. On the bike, nothing could be better. I can feel my fitness level on the bike grow with every ride. As it is snowing here right now as I write this, I can't help but think "damn - I can't wait to get outside and ride for hours."

New training totals: (not many details since the other guy in TdO is being so secret with his training numbers - LOL)
Week 7 - 7 rides/ 11hours 27minutes/ 255 miles/ 22.3mph
Feb - 20 rides/ 31hours 4minutes/ 697 miles/ 22.4mph
Year - 51 rides/ 78hours 22minutes/ 1740 miles/ 22.2mph

This week the goal is for 8.5-9 hours with just one workout. The plan will be to get in the weight room at least twice this week and try for a third day. I do not want to miss out another week of that as it has meant a world of difference in my training.

A lot of positives in life now that seem to make training even better. It is amazing when you keep life in perspective, how well training will go especially when you are sitting on an indoor trainer for a mind and ass numbing 2 hours or more.

TdO 2011 - TBA & added to added to Versus "The Epic Cycle" (Ha Ha)

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